MHD held their Grand Malt Tasting 2017 event on September 8, 2017. One of the highlights of the event was sampling the unreleased Ardbeg An Oa, the latest iteration from the Ardbeg Distillery. Way too peaty for me!
The event is put on by MHD themselves, so it’s effectively a PR event that’s open to the public, and isn’t free (4000 yen charge). That’s not to say it was a bad value though, since you were free to sample as much as you like. All in all there were 12 single malts on hand:

Each brand got its own dedicated tasting station:

I’m not entirely sure why but the event had a glamping theme, of all things.

Hi there! I created and run I’ve lived in Tokyo since 2008, and I am a certified Shochu Kikisake-shi/Shochu Sommelier (焼酎唎酒師), Cocktail Professor (カクテル検定1級), and I hold Whisky Kentei Levels 3 and JW (ウイスキー検定3級・JW級). I also sit on the Executive Committees for the Tokyo Whisky & Spirits Competition and Japanese Whisky Day. Click here for more details about me and this site. Kampai!
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